The conference aims at an international exchange of new concepts and ideas with respect to the following topics:
- Data-Assimilation and Data-Driven Methods
- Domain Decomposition Approaches
- Dynamic and Adaptive Approximations, Error Estimation
- High-Dimensional Parameter Spaces
- Interpolation Methods
- Krylov-Subspace, Rational Approximation and Interpolatory Methods
- Large-Scale Applications: Industry and Multiphysics Problems; HPC
- Model Reduction for Optimization, Estimation, Control, and Uncertainty Quantification
- Multiscale Methods, Closure Approaches, Stabilization Methods
- Nonstationary Discontinuities and Internal Layers
- Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
- Proper Generalized Decomposition
- Reduced Basis Methods
- Statistical and Machine Learning Methods
- System-Theoretic and Structure-Preserving Methods
- Tensor Methods
The event is supported and organized in the framework of COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) initiative EU-MORNET: European Union Model Reduction Network (TD1307).
Ecole Centrale Nantes, Université de Nantes, Centre Henri Lebesgue and Springer provide support and sponsorship as well.
Previous editions were held in Munster (2009), Gunzburg (2012) and Trieste (2015).